What can cause a website to load slowly?

Here are some common factors that can cause the overall load times of your website to increase.

  • Internet Speed
    One factor outside our realm is a user's internet speed. A slow connection may increase the time it takes to load a website.

  • Using an outdated browser
    It's advised to always make sure your browser is updated to the latest version possible.

  • Large image files.
    If an image has a file size of over 1MB, it will affect the load time of that particular page it's placed on. We advise optimizing images to be below 1MB in file size before placing them on your website. To help keep images near or below 1MB, we recommend the dimensions of the image be no larger than 2000 pixels in width.

  • Large videos or multiple videos on a page.
    If you are planning on placing multiple videos on a page or have a large video size, we advise using the YouTube Element to embed the video.

  • Third-Party Widgets
    Third-party widgets are outside our control for load times as they load from an external service. 

If you notice or receive inquiries that your website is loading slowly, please feel free to submit a ticket with our support team and we can take a closer look at your website.