Role-based permissions are used to limit the level of access users can have on your LiveEdit website.

Setting Roles

Under the Users and Groups section, please use the Role selector to set an individual's access level.

AccessMemberUserAdminSite Owner
Password Protected PagesX*XXX

Design Tab


Services and App Access
(Blog, Recipe, etc)

Set User
Set Admin

Set Manager


*A Member can only access a password-protected page if they are part of a Group that has access or if their account is specifically checked to have access to that page. Users, Admins, and Site Owners can access all password-protected pages by default. A Member also has the ability to leave a comment on a blog post.

**Limited to only the Template & Analytics section

Setting Role Permissions per page

Under the Pages section, a new Permissions tab field will allow you to control access per page.

  • Can Edit Details -  Allows a specific role to edit the properties of this page (e.g. Name, URL, SEO Information.)
  • Can Edit Content - Allows a specific role to edit the content on this page.

Setting Role Permissions per Content Area

The orange lock symbol next to the name of a content area will allow you to lock all content within that area to a specific role.


Please Note: 

  • If you lock a Region, all content areas within that region will share the same access level that the Region is set to. 
  • The Can Edit Content role under Pages overrules any individual permissions set to Content Areas or Region on the page. For example, if a content area is set to an Admin but the page is set to Site Owner, all Admins and lower will not have access to edit any content areas on the page.

Setting Role Permissions per Element

Under the Advanced tab of each element, a new Permissions field will allow you to control access for editing the element.

Please Note:

  • Similiar to Content Areas and Regions, the Can Edit Content role under Pages overrules any individual permissions set to Elements on the page.