In this guide, we will cover how to create and manage forms using our built-in Form service

How to access Forms

To access the Form service, please navigate to the Dashboard then click on the Forms tab.

Creating a Form

To create a brand new form, please click on Create New Form in the top right-hand corner.

Saving a Form

After you are done making changes to a form, please click on the Save Form button that appears at the bottom of the form. 

Please Note: After saving your form, please navigate to the page it's placed on and add it again. This will ensure your newest changes appear to visitors. 

Form Settings

To adjust the overall setting of the form, please click on the top field. Once clicked, a panel will appear on the left-hand side with options. Here is an overview of each option:

  • Name - Name of the form.

  • Show Name - Display the name of the form for visitors to see.

  • Display - Adjust the form fields to appear.

  • Form Class - Apply a custom CSS class to the entire form.

  • Receiver Email - Each time a visitor submits this form, you will receive an email notification to your entered email address. Multiple email addresses can be added if separated by a comma.

  • Generate PDF - Generate a PDF that is stored on your website to view

  • Forward Form - If you are a MINDBODY Online user, you can set up a form to create a Mindbody account and forward it to Mindbody. To learn more, we recommend booking a support appointment.

  • Reply-To Email & From Name - Set a default reply to email and name for the confirmation email. Please only list one email address in this field.

  • Confirmation
    • Show Message -  Upon submitting the form, visitors are shown a message
    • Redirect - Upon submitting the form, visitors are redirected to a specific page. You could also add a link to a PDF file you've uploaded.

      Page Redirect Example:
      PDF File Example:

  • Send Confirmation / Send To / Edit-Email - Upon submitting the form, visitors will be sent a confirmation email. You must have an Email or Email Confirm field within the form to use this feature and to learn more, please Click Here.

Adding Form Fields

To add a field to your form, click and drag the dotted box of a field below the name of your form. 

Basic Fields

  • Text - This field allows visitors to input a response.

  • Text Area - This field allows visitors to input a longer response. We recommend using this for a response you feel visitors would be a couple of sentences long.

  • Static Text - This field allows you to add static text within the form. Great way to highlight important information

  • Number - This field is similar to Text but only accepts number inputs.

  • Select - This is a dropdown field that allows you to display multiple options where only one can be selected.

  • Checkbox - This field allows you to display multiple options where multiple options can be selected.

  • Radio - This field is similar to Checkbox but only allows one option to be selected.

  • Divider - Adds a diver line to the form. Recommend to divide up section in longer forms.

  • Password - This field adds a field to capture a password. (MINDBODY users only.) 

  • Captcha - Choose between an Invisible or Challenge (I'm not a robot checkbox) captcha to prevent spam submissions.

  • Submit - This field adds a "Submit" button to the form. Required for all forms!

Advanced Fields

  • Date - This field allows visitors to select a specific date from a calendar pop-up.

  • Email Confirm - Pre-formatted field to capture their email twice to ensure it's entered correctly.

  • Name - This field is a pre-formatted field to capture a visitor's first and last name.

  • Full Name - This field is a pre-formatted field to capture a visitor's first, middle, and last name.

  • US Phone - This field is a pre-formatted field to capture a visitor's US-based phone number.

  • US Address - This field is a pre-formatted field to capture a visitor's US-based address. 

  • Country State - This field is a pre-formatted field to capture a Country and State.

  • Password Confirm - This field adds a field to capture a password. (MINDBODY users only.)

  • File Upload - Adds a field so visitors can upload a file, such as an image or PDF

  • Opt-in - Adds a field to opt-in visitors to an email marketing list within our Email Marketing services.

  • Signature - Adds a field for visitors to sign a document

  • Import MINDBODY fields - Import all the required fields to create a MINDBODY client account. (MINDBODY users only.) 

Form Fields Settings

Each individual field will have its own unique settings you can apply. 

Here are some of the key fields to set for each field we recommend adjusting:

  • Label - Text that appears above the field for visitors to see.

  • Required - Require the field to be filled out in order to submit the form. We recommend enabling this for all important fields, such visitor's contact information you are capturing.

Please Note: When using the Select, Checkbox, or Radio field, you can add options for visitors to use by clicking on the plus symbol next to Options. 

How to place a form using the Form Element

To add a form to a page, click and drag the Form Element into an open content area. Once placed, use the Place a Form field to select your form then click Place Form.

How to view submission Data

To view all submissions to your form, click on the View Data icon.

How to copy a form

To copy a form, click on the Copy Form icon.

How to export form data

To export all form submissions in a CVS file type, click on the Export icon.

How to delete a form

To delete a form, click on the Delete icon. Please Note: Once a form is deleted, it can not be undone or restored. 


  1. Why are my recent changes not appearing?
    After saving your form, please navigate to the page it's placed on and add it again. This will ensure your newest changes appear to visitors.

  2. Are liveedit forms HIPPA or PCI Complaints?
    No. Please do not collect any sensitive data, such as credit cards or social security numbers, with the form builder.